Summer Reading Book Trailer
You will create a 30-90 second book trailer about ONE of the books you read over the summer. It can either be positive, encouraging others to read the book, or you can warn people off and explain why it's a waste of their time.
Either way, you will need:
Once you've written your book review, it's time to think about the images you want to use. You want images that add to your trailer, not just decorate it. So look for images that either ILLUSTRATE an element of the book (setting, characters) or that ILLUMINATE it. That means the image isn't necessarily a literal depiction of the story, but it dads symbolic, emotinal meaning (for example, if a character is very depressed in the novel, you might include a picture of a gray, cloud day, even if the setting is in suny California!)
So now you need to think about your review and the images you need. Using this planner can help you connect your text with the images.
This tutorial shows you how to use iMovie templates to create your book trailer. This does limit you, creatively, as you have to follow the template outline. Be sure to choose one that is long enough! You can work around the text limitations by using Keynote slides for your script, and saving them as jpg images. Then upload those to iMovie.
You will need to find Creative Commons images (except for the book cover/author photo) to enhance your book trailer, and will probably need between 10-20 for the whole thing.
These images/slides need to include
You can find your images either in Britannica Images (linked below) or use the Creative Commons link. For each image, be sure to save all the citation information in NoodleTools!
Be sure to create a folder on your desktop where you can save all your images and sounctrtack file! That will make them easy to find later.