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NoodleTools: Share a Project

NoodleTools Tutorials

How to Share Your Project with a Teacher

Your teacher may ask you to share your project. This gives your teacher the ability to look at your work and send you helpful feedback. On your assignment sheet, your teacher will tell you the inbox’s name to use when sharing your project.

1. On the Dashboard screen of the project you want to share, under Sharing, click the plus sign.

2. In the window that opens, in the INBOX optin, click on the share icon.  Start typing in the name of the inbox. The name will auto-complete as you begin to type, and once you see the right one, select it from the list

3. Your name will be automatically filled in, but if you have not entered your full name in your profile, enter it here, so your teacher will know who you are (he or she may not recognize your personal ID).

5. Click Done


On the Projects screen, the project you shared will have an inbox icon in the Share column.

When a teacher views your shared project and leaves new comments for you, you will see a notification when you login. A general notification will appear on the left.   Look at your projects to see which one has comments. The tick box next to the comments tells you whether the teacher left you a To-Do task.



To share with another student:

Type in the student's Personal ID (their email address)

Select which option you want for sharing.  A full collaborator can add and edit content.  Peer-Reviewer can only comment.

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