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Authoritarian and Single Party States: Mao: Consolidating Power

Mao Zedong Thought

Great Leap Forward

Cultural Revolution


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Big Character Posters

Big Character posters are a type of political writing, posted in a public place; a wall covered with such posters established a forum for discussion and dissemination. Big-character-posters played a role in the Hundred Flowers Movement in 1956, during which individuals were encouraged to express their opinions on contemporary politics.

Pictorial Posters

During every phase of the Cultural Revolution, pictorial posters played a crucial role in communicating the frequent changes of official policy and its interpretation, which are stated in the titles and slogans on the posters.

Freedom of Marriage, happiness and good luck (1053

The New Marriage Law that was promulgated on 1 May 1950 gave women legal equality with men. In a sense, the law formed the logical conclusion of the struggle that had started during the May Fourth Movement (1919) to bring to an end the influences of the patriarchy and ageism that existed in the feudal family system

Great Leap Forward

What was the Cultural Revolution?

Changing Status of Women

Women and Mao