The personal project product can be an actual product like a sculpture, a film, story or design or it can be an outcome such as an awareness-raising campaign, learning a new language, improving athletic ability or playing a piece of music.
Clearly state what your product goal - for example, "My product goal is to write and illustrate a bilingual picture book for young children, aged 3-5, to help them understand about stranger danger."
Being a clear as possible when stating your goal will make it easier to create specifications.
Develop criteria for your product/outcome
Start with your specifications.
Answer the following questions:
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
How can I judge the quality of my product/outcome?
How will I know it has been successful?
You need to create specifications that are detailed and appropriate for your final product/outcome.
Some examples of success criteria:
What will it look like? What materials will you use? What tools will you need? What size will it be? How will it be assembled? |
What is its' purpose? What will it do? How easily can it be used? How easily can it be maintained? |
Who is it for? How old are the users? What is their background knowledge/experience? |
Is there a cost involved? Is this a time or material cost? |
What other factors need to be considered? |