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MYP Personal Project Guide: Criterion C - Reflecting

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Criterion C - Reflecting

The student is able to:

Strand i) explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning

Strand ii) evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

Definitions of relevant MYP Command Terms

Product What students will create for their personal project.
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.
Outline Give a brief account or summary.
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.
Explain Give a detailed account including reasons and causes.

(IBO, Personal Project Guide, 2021, p 34)

Strand i) Impact of the project

The Impact of the project:

• could refer to any aspect of having done the project: inquiry, action and/or reflection

• could include progress made towards the learning goal

• could include ways in which the student has grown as a learner, such as improvement in the ATL skills or learner profile attributes

• could include ways in which the student has grown or changed as a result of the project.

Table 8

The possible impacts of the learning goal and product

Possible Impacts of the learning goal Possible Impacts of the product

Develops specific ATL skills

Meets a need in the community
Extends knowledge about an area of interest Showcases the students’ skills or abilities

Gains confidence by completing an independent project

(Table 8, The possible impacts of the learning goal and product, IBO, 2021, p. 26)

Strand ii) Evaluating the product

Evaluate your final product/outcome against the criteria you created during the planning phase of the project.

Was your product/outcome successful?

Did it meet your expectations?

How can you support this with evidence?

If you created a rubric you can show which levels you achieved for each criteria.

Was audience understanding/satisfaction part of your project goal?  You could conduct a survey to gather evidence of their understanding/satisfaction.

Remember not just to state the achievement levels but analyze why your product/outcome achieved that level, how might you change things to achieve a higher level?  What would you do differently another time?