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G12: The Cold War and the Americas: McCarthyism

Cold War: 1945-1981

What was McCarthyism?

Impact on Domestic Issues

Impact on Foreign Policy

From the Databases

Graphic History

Senator Joseph McCarthy (right) interviewing Chief Army Counsel Joseph Welch (left) during the Army-McCarthy hearings, 1954. 

Red Scare in the Headlines

On Feb 9, 1950, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy delivered a speech at the McLure Hotel in Wheeling, West Virginia during which he claimed to hold a list of known communists (“enemies from within”) in the U.S. State Department.

Movie Poster

a 1949 anti-communist film noir. An ex-GI named Bill Jones becomes involved with the Communist Party in the US. While in training, Jones falls in love with one of his instructors. At first true followers of communis, they realize their mistake when they witness party leaders murder a member who questions the party's principles. When they try to leave the party, the two are marked for murder and hunted by the party's assassins.

HUAC Protest for Trumbo

Trumbo, a popular Hollywood screenwriter, was served a subpoena to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) on September 18, 1947; he faced the committee in October 1947.

"An Uncomfortable Situation"

Hungerford, Cy. Artist.  December 3, 1953. Library of Congress.

"I have here in my hand..."

Editorial cartoon showing Sen. Joseph McCarthy holding a "doctored photo" and a "faked letter," both burning, his fingers singed, which he claims are FBI documents during the Army-McCarthy hearings.

TedEd: What is McCarthyism


Red Scare and HUAC

Cold War on TV: McCarthy vs Murrow