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G12: The Cold War and the Americas: US Foreign Policy:Eisenhower

Cold War: 1945-1981

Primary Sources

Foreign Policy

Domestic Issues

Graphic History

Eisenhower and Kruschev,

In 1959, Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev agreed to a September meeting in the United States to further discussions regarding a test ban and arms reductions.

Have a Care, Sir!

March 4, 1954. Reproduction from original drawing. Published in the Washington Post (33)

Throughout his political career, Dwight Eisenhower refused to take a public stand against Senator Joseph McCarthy's aggressive anti-communist campaign.

Strange Echo, 1953

Caption:  President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” speech at the United Nations got a hostile reception from Moscow.

Eisenhower and the Cold War

Ike and Khruschev

I Like Ike: Campaign Ad